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  4. San Damiano Crucifix 1 5/8 in.
San Damiano Crucifix 1 5/8 in.
Speziale Custom Rosaries: Medium Sized San Damiano Crucifix

San Damiano Crucifix 1 5/8 in.

For Speziale custom rosaries only. Not for individual sale. Please see the description below for more details.

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For Speziale custom rosaries only. Not for individual sale. Please see the description below for more details.
Item Number: CFX043
Availability: This crucifix is in stock. Please email me for details about how to add it to your Speziale custom rosary. :).
For Custom Speziale Rosaries Only (not for individual sale)

Italian oxidized silver toned base metal San Damiano crucifix covered with various scenes from Christ's life on the front and Latin on the back. Sized at 1 5/8 inches tall (including top loop) and 1 inch wide.This is one of my "basic" crucifix choices which means the cost is already included in the base price of any Speziale rosary.
The back of the crucifix has these words in Latin:
Benedicat tibi Dominus et custodiat te
ostendat faciem suam tibi et misereatur tui.
Convertat vultum suum ad te et det tibi pacem
Dominus benedicat te.
The English translation is as follows:
The Lord bless you and keep you.
May He show His face to you
and have mercy.
May He turn His countenance to you
and give you peace.
The Lord bless you!
Thanks for looking! God Bless and have a great day! :)

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